Sunday, May 22, 2011

A little bit of baseball business ...

We are so thrilled that Hadden is privileged to be playing on an 8-year old all-star baseball team. We met two of the coaches last fall when he played fall ball and they have done an exceptional job of encouraging Hadden and bringing out the best in him. He still has a lot to learn, but we are certain he will grow leaps and bounds this all-star season.

This is an excerpt from an article that John wrote recently:
My son has a new set of coaches on an “all-star” team. These men have the knowledge and wisdom to take the boys to a new level. While working with each child and correcting their bad habits, they speak life into the boys by encouraging them when they follow instructions. They are watching for “coachableness”, which in essence is the main characteristic of a good son. They are providing clear expectations and consequences for missing the mark. The coaches give good words to each boy. They brag about the boys and talk them up. They show love to the boys.

So, the coaches are definitely doing their part - now we have to do ours. We need to raise money to sponsor the team for uniforms, helmets, tournament fees, etc. and we need your help. If you are willing to sponsor his team, please send me a comment or email me at shirleykurtz at gmail dot com. We would greatly appreciate it!

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