Monday, May 4, 2009

Getting closer and closer!

The weather was not so nice yesterday afternoon and evening. We had rain, thunderstorms, and tornado warnings. It was obviously not the best conditions for laying brick (or anything else for that matter). They did work as much as they could and got quite a bit accomplished.

Last night:
Because of the weather, we decided to take supper to the cabin instead of eating at the picnic table. Here are some shots from supper.

John, Tom (background), Savannah and Ben

Josh and Rance


Tom and Hadden

Caption by other guys: "Josh sleeping while the others are working" :)

This morning:
More rain. They put up a plastic roof in order to continue working.

I think this pretty much sums it up for this morning.

View of the lean-to.

They just keep on working anyway.

Benny doing some more mixing.

Rance bringing more brick.

Josh laying more brick.





Doc, Josh, and Ben

Doc texting after lunch

Back to work


Ben - through the upper window of the tower

Rance throwing down unneeded materials.

The kids have loved joining the men for meals. They just like being part of the crowd :)

The end is in sight! I am thrilled for them. I KNOW they are missing family and home and are anxious to get headed back. I am very thankful that soon they will be reunited with their loved ones. We will miss them - they have become like family to us and we appreciate each of them and their dedication to a job well done so very much :)

Praising the Lord for continued safety and blessings beyond measure!


  1. It looks like a lot was accomplished despite the lousy weather!

    We've been getting so much rain, our yard looks like the grass is a foot high! And my dh isn't home to mow and now Ryan can't mow.

  2. Ugh....sorry about the weather. Boy, they are real troopers. I was showing my parents a bit of your blog yesterday. My Dad was commenting how Savannah is a "pretty little girl." She really is...both of your kids are so cute. Good genes... :)

    Love ya,


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